This course introduces participants to the spiritual, cultural, social and religious origins of human value systems, paying particular attention to Biblical and Indigenous origins. It uses stories and readings to consider the foundations of ethical thought and behavior. The goal is to reach greater understanding of how to deal with moral dilemmas and help others …
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The Rise of Bonhoeffer: Faith, Resistance and Theology in Action
Are you ready to embark on an inspiring and informative journey alongside Dietrich Bonhoeffer – one of the most courageous people in modern history? Gain a deeper understanding of his life and theology by exploring his resistance to Nazi Germany in historical context. Reflect on the relevance of his faith journey in today’s world, exploring …
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And It Was Good
In this five-part series taught by leading scholars and theologians, you will explore the intersections of theology, spirituality, and ethics in ways that signal hopeful and generative responses to the shifting and changing realities of global warming. When God created the earth, God brought all light and darkness, land and water, and animals and humans …
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Thinking Politically with Augustine
Faithful Political Engagement in Difficult Times In the midst of America’s political climate this election year, Thinking Politically with Augustine turns to the past to explore the perspectives of Augustine (354-430 C.E.), a revered and intellectual predecessor in the faith. Through the lens of this prolific author, seminar participants will gain refreshed insights into citizenship, …
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What’s a Christian to do? Ethical Responses to Contemporary Issues in Science and Technology
As science and technology grow more robust and complicated, it is increasingly difficult to wade through the “what ifs” and “what thens.” This five-part course will examine the place of specific technologies in society, their role in enhancing and restricting human beings, attempts to own and control technology, and social and environmental risks and opportunities …
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Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition
Ethics in the Anglican tradition draws on a rich history of discourse as we strive to engage with our faith, living it out in an imperfect world and Church. Whether we are struggling to justify sacramental liturgy and church hierarchy in the face of Puritan attack, or determining church policy on inclusion of women and LGBTQIA+ people, Anglicans …
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Happiness and the Good Life
What is happiness? And how, if at all, is it related to goodness? In this course, we examine classic and contemporary responses to these questions. Our approach will be guided by the three Anglican sources for theological reflection: scripture, tradition, and reason. We begin with recent insights on the nature of happiness from positive psychology (Christopher Peterson …
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Anglican Practical and Pastoral Theology
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Ethics 1
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Interfaith Spirituality for Polarized Times
How do we practice spiritual presence in challenging times? And let spirituality lead us to action? When communities are polarized, and peace is unpopular, these are urgent questions. Together, we will explore answers from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Each tradition offers powerful tools to critique institutional power, confront the ego, open the heart, and explore …
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