Christianity & Politics

In many parts of today’s world, Christians are deeply divided from their neighbours—and from one another—by political allegiances. The stakes seem so high, and biblical teaching about government so clear and urgent, that agreement on politics is often treated as a test of faith. In this course we will take a step or two back …
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Anglican Ecumenism Seminar

This research seminar will explore the history and theology of modern Anglican ecumenical thought and practice. Students will engage key Anglican ecumenical texts and a wide selection of agreed statements and documented dialogues between Anglicans and other church bodies. These will include Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox (non-Chalcedonian), Pentecostal, Reformed, and Roman Catholic churches. …
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2024 Scripture and Theology Colloquium – Atonement and Divine Presence

Christians everywhere believe that Christ died once for all upon the Cross as an atonement for our sins, even if they disagree on how to understand that great divine-human action. Roman Catholic teaching and practice has, for example, historically emphasized that the “dead yet made alive” Christ is now re-presented, and so re-offered in the …
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2024 One Conference: unify. serve. equip. empower.

One Conference is an opportunity for Canadian Church Leaders to gather together to experience a spiritual refreshing, gain renewed focus, and be effectively equipped to lead the church. With wholehearted worship, powerful keynotes, and thoughtful breakout sessions, our goal and commitment to you is that you’ll leave One Conference with a renewed sense of optimism …
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Reformed Theology

This course is designed to acquaint students with evolving theological expression of the Reformed Tradition in its 19th and 20th Century embodiments as it responds and interacts with the rise of modernity and late/post-modernity. (Think of the course as the good ship “Reformed” sailing from Schleiermacher to Barth and beyond.) Through the examination of theological …
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The New Testament Parables

The course explores the parables of Jesus in their historical, cultural, and literary contexts. A close study of specific parables will determine the embedded theological themes, ethical lessons, codifications for social reconstruction, and the significance of the parabolic discourse for the Church and society today. I am thrilled to be the instructor for the course …
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Pêhonân: Voices of Indigenous Followers of Jesus in the Ecumenical Movement

This event highlights the experiences of Indigenous followers of Jesus in the ecumenical movement and offers workshops on ecumenical topics. Organized by The Canadian Council of Churches, in partnership with The Prairie Centre for Ecumenism and The Canadian Centre for Ecumenism. About this event: Canadian Forum on Inter-Church Dialogues is an important triennial event in …
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