History of Christianity II

This survey course invites students to encounter the story of Christianity from the Protestant Reformation (beginning in 1517) to the end of the twentieth century. It highlights the experiences of Christian communities in the ‘Old World’ (Asia, Africa, and Europe) and the ‘New World’ (the Americas and Oceania) as they move through the major turning …
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Academic Writing

This course is designed to help students engage in graduate research and to write the papers that will be required during their course of study at Regent. Students will receive instruction in reading and thinking critically and in improving their writing skills. The course is especially appropriate for those who have a technical (rather than …
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Book of Genesis

The book of Genesis is the foundational text for the Christian faith. Its many and varied stories are cited throughout the Old and New Testaments and by theologians throughout the history of the Church due to its claims about the origins of the universe, the birth of humanity, the introduction of sin and violence in …
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New Testament Foundations

The course New Testament Foundations explores the literature of the New Testament (NT) with the purpose of providing a basis for engaged reading, further study, and application to life and church. The primary focus will be on reading the New Testament wisely, offering a multifaceted paradigm for reading/hearing this literature that includes a sensitivity to …
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Visual Art as Theology

This is a course in “visual theology,” exploring the history of Christian art as a domain of Christian theological thinking through the centuries. Our approach will be to study works of visual art not as illustrating or translating theological texts into visual form but as theological “texts” in their own right—as theology conducted specifically in …
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Supervised Ministry B: Leadership

The class time of supervised Ministry B focuses upon leadership skills. Students will learn a framework and skills for collaborative leadership. Students will develop imagination for leaderful-communities, where every person is empowered for ministry. Students learn leadership skills, such as developing a vision, stewarding change, working with conflict, facilitation, and leading people with different personalities. …
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