Theology II

This course introduces students to the practice of theology through exploring some of the major themes in systematic theology: the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), the doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology), the doctrine of salvation (Soteriology), and the doctrine of the “Last Things” (Eschatology). Theology, as understood in this course, is a disciplined reflection …
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Science and Theology

Since the advent of modernity it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, we …
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Monday to Saturday

This course will explore the theology, dynamics and practice of being a minister in the workplace. Ministry is often, and wrongly, defined by location (in the church), by the need (solely spiritual needs) or by office (the ordained). Following the servant songs in Isaiah, and the service/ministry of Jesus we will understand ministry as all …
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Cultural Hermeneutics: Engaging with World with the Word

“Cultural Hermeneutics” aims to expand and hone students’ self-awareness and capabilities as interpreters and creative agents promoting truth, goodness and beauty in the world, standing within the purview of Christ and his kingdom. A general analysis of reality and the human world in relation to it will be augmented by the introduction of social-scientific concepts …
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Science and Theology

Since the advent of modernity it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, we …
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