Conspire 2017 – Interactive Webcast Shared in Community

CONSPIRE 2017 – Interactive Webcast Shared in Community Sun Jul 23, 2017 – Tue Jul 25, 2017 All Day A DYNAMIC CONFERENCE OF THE CENTER FOR ACTION & CONTEMPLATION, SURROUNDED BY CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICE IN A RETREAT ENVIRONMENT Hosted by Andrew Twiddy integrative programs, dynamic and interactive, infused with contemplative practice webcasts from the Center for …
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Certificate: Apply Today

Certificate: Apply Today Fall: Sept 8 – Dec 21, 2017 This 14-week online certificate is designed for those interested in grounding their ministries—both personal and professional—in socially relevant and scholarly theological education. The certificate includes: weekly videos, reading assignments, case studies, a close-knit peer-to-peer cohort, our unique lean forward learning methodology, and our exclusive Live …
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In the Heights and Depths with C.S. Lewis: An Online Class

Instructor: Edith Humphrey, William F. Orr Professor of New Testament, PTS Dates: Sept. 18-Oct. 13, 2017 In this online course we will consider together two short books by Lewis: his children’s novel, The Silver Chair, in which the reader quite literally explores heights and depths, while also considering some heady and challenging concepts; and his most …
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Thy Kingdom Come

Devoting Ourselves to Prayer Ascension Day to the Day of Pentecost May 25 to June 4, 2017 St. Luke writes that following the Ascension of the Lord, the disciples were gathered in an upper room “constantly devoting themselves to prayer”. A number of women joined them including Mary, the mother of Jesus. (Acts 1:14). In …
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