Transforming Questions of the Diocese of New Westminster Online Christian Formation Course

Can we question our faith? Who is Jesus? Is prayer answered? How do I read the Bible? Why is there suffering? What is a baptized life? After a successful pilot of this course last summer, Transforming Questions returns in January 2021. The pandemic has stirred up basic questions about life, faith, purpose, and God. In …
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Mental Health and Conflict in Faith Communities–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis As the awareness of mental health challenges grows in the church, church leaders require skills and tools to navigate the intersection between mental health and conflict. This two-morning workshop addresses such questions as, “How does mental health impact how we approach conflict?” and “What strategies and tools can be deployed when …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis or Betty Pries This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. This four-morning workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be …
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Congregational Mission

Pastoral leaders face the challenge and opportunity of leading parishes and congregations in mission. This course will introduce students to ideas and practices informed by the missio dei (the Mission of God), for the support of congregational mission. Themes covered will include the spirituality of mission, neighbourhood engagement, eucharistic missiology, and new monasticism.  

Anglican History and Theology

This course is a broad overview of the history and theology of Anglicanism, Particular focus is placed on theological debates in the Anglican tradition. The first half of the course covers key themes in Anglican history, including the contested nature of Anglicanism, the ecumenical involvement of Anglican churches, the legacy of establishment, and the public …
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Preaching & Eschatology

Code: HOM/TH6/703 Dates: January 18, 2021 – April 9, 2021 on Thursdays Time: 6:00 pm for 3 Hours In modernity, talk of heaven or hell or the afterlife has hung around theology like an embarrassing elder relative—they have every right to be in the house, but no one wants to talk about them. Yet one …
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