Academic Writing

This course is designed to help students engage in graduate research and to write the papers that will be required during their course of study at Regent. Students will receive instruction in reading and thinking critically and in improving their writing skills. The course is especially appropriate for those who have a technical (rather than …
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Book of Isaiah

Known as the (fifth) evangelist to Christians and the prophet of consolation to Jews, Isaiah has occupied a place of prominence for the two and a half millennia since it was written. The four Gospels, Paul, Acts, and Revelation quote it more than any other book, and it is among the most quoted Old Testament …
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Old Testament Foundations

This course orients students to the theology, literature, and key issues in the Old Testament. It reflects on questions of how Old Testament books are best read together as part of the Christian canon of Scripture, and their ability to shape Christian life and engagement with culture. After addressing key interpretive issues, the course explores …
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The Christian Imagination

Imagination is the vital capacity to perceive and (re)conceive patterns of relation and possibility—and thus imagination is fundamental to the way the world is intelligible as a world. The overarching aim of this course is to explore and experiment with what Christian imaginations might be and how they might flourish. Given the life-encompassing scale of …
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Supervised Ministry B: Leadership

The class time of supervised Ministry B focuses upon leadership skills. Students will learn a framework and skills for collaborative leadership. Students will develop imagination for leaderful-communities, where every person is empowered for ministry. Students learn leadership skills, such as developing a vision, stewarding change, working with conflict, facilitation, and leading people with different personalities. …
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Anglican Life: Polity and Liturgy

This course is designed to introduce students to the nature and practice of worship, liturgy, sacramental theology, and spiritual formation in the Anglican tradition. Students will explore the history and theology of the practice of baptism, the eucharist, other services commonly used in Anglican parishes, and the place of preaching, particularly in light of the …
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