To some extent the history of Christian ethics the history of interpretation of biblical ethical teaching. An increasingly ‘moral’ reading of Scripture emerged with the privileging of the plain (or double literal) sense during the late medieval period. As one considers the bible was looked to in Franciscan moral theology in particular then one becomes …
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Soul Recreation: Delighting & Enjoying God
Despite the claims of some critics, contemplation or what some call soul recreation, is firmly grounded in Scripture and richly displayed throughout the writings of early Protestantism. Evaluate the resistance to delighting in communion with God and learn how to deepen your experience of enjoying God. Together we will explore this spiritual intimacy by recovering …
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Contemplative Listening
Scripture resounds with God’s call to hear—Shema—and the discipline and gift of listening is foundational to the Christian life of loving God and neighbour. Listening creates a sanctuary within which we may receive God’s Word and welcome the neighbour. By listening we are shaped as Christ’s disciples. Yet how do we orient toward God’s voice …
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Spiritual Discernment: Decision-Making & the Voice of Jesus
This course is an introduction to the art of spiritual discernment, which will enable students to recognize and respond to the prompting or inner witness of the Spirit. The course will provide a model for effective decision-making that will incorporate the wisdom of the Christian heritage. The primary focus will be upon seeking the wisdom …
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The Journey of Faith: A Trip For A Lifetime!
The most important journey we will ever embark on in life is our spiritual journey. But sometimes we spend more time planning a trip than we do planning our faith journey. Many of us do not understand what spiritual growth is and why it is crucial to our wellbeing. Spend the day discerning where you …
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Missional Praying
One of the most profound ways of loving others is by holding God’s people in prayer as God works through and with them, regardless of whether they’re aware of her at work in their lives. Praying (listening to and conversing with God) is the foundation of living missionally. What does living missionally mean? It starts …
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ngaging the Community: Empowering Leaders to Embrace God’s Mission in Local Contexts
Jesus intentionally connected with all sorts of outsiders as part of his mission. How can we, as followers of Jesus, have the confidence to do the same in 2023? This course, designed specifically for lay leaders and deacons, will provide participants with the inspiration, tools, and practice necessary to confidently engage with people in your …
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Christian Foundations I From Abraham to Jesus
Many people are familiar with the concept of an overarching narrative (storyline) when looking at the history of our faith: from the Old Testament, through to the New and on into the history of the church, we can see God at work. However, when people think of, say, the Old Testament, disconnected images come to …
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Inter-Generational Worship
Faith formation research is pointing us to focus on inter-generational ministry being the heart of the faith community. This short intensive will focus on specific spiritual practices and other rituals that sustain a worshipping community and nurture the faith formation of all ages. Students will spend time engaging in and leading spiritual practices. We will …
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Ministry from the Inside Out
“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervener.” (William O’Brien) Is this true? If it is, it could be read to say, “The success of a church depends on the interior condition of its leadership.” How are we as leaders (whether paid or lay) – attending to our interior journeys of faith, …
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