There is something very powerful about an invitation. The most perfect invitation is the one we receive from God every day. God desires our presence and seeks us out every day. The question becomes are we ready to accept His invitation? To register call 905 356 4113 or email [email protected]
2024 One Conference: unify. serve. equip. empower.
One Conference is an opportunity for Canadian Church Leaders to gather together to experience a spiritual refreshing, gain renewed focus, and be effectively equipped to lead the church. With wholehearted worship, powerful keynotes, and thoughtful breakout sessions, our goal and commitment to you is that you’ll leave One Conference with a renewed sense of optimism …
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Rhythms of Missional Spirituality
This course will help leaders learn from the past, be aware of the present and plan for the future. The course will explore ancient truths that have helped guide Christians for the past two thousand years and introduce new concepts from leadership science. Most importantly, all of the learning will be practical and will enhance …
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Reimagining Church
The course is for anyone eager and willing to explore Christian faith in a fresh way that is at the same time ancient and yet relevant to today’s world. Are you frustrated by the decline in church attendance and ministry participation at your parish? Perhaps you’re hearing the buzz around terms like “missional church,” “discipleship,” …
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Well Done Good and Faithful Servant
God calls us to be faithful to Him in all our responsibilities. Whether they are great or small, is not what really matters. Just be faithful in the places God has put you in and one day you will hear…well done. To register call 905 356 4113 or email [email protected]
Accepting God’s Invitation
There is something very powerful about an invitation. The most perfect invitation is the one we receive from God every day. God desires our presence and seeks us out every day. The question becomes are we ready to accept His invitation? To register call 905 356 4113 or email [email protected]
Come and Follow Me
God wants us to have the attitude of a child in following Him with a learning heart, open mind, and a pure spirit. This isn’t just a summons to a new belief or a new way of living. It’s a call to be with Jesus, to hang out with him, to learn from him, and to …
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You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
Our hearts can become overwhelmed by the burdens and busyness of everyday life. Christ, the Bread of Life, desires to feed and soothe our hungry hearts, and only He can do it. Make God the source of satisfying our spiritual and emotional hunger as we find rest in Him. To register call 905 356 4113 …
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A Journey of Transformation
“Striving for transformation in a personal sense requires unflinching honesty about our own thinking, and a willingness to change our mind.” (Tara Swart) Human transformation and growth are common themes in the Gospels. New Testament conversion narratives tell of people who changed their lives as a result of encountering Jesus or the message of the …
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2024 VITAL CHURCH MARITIMES CONFERENCE is set for May 9 to May 11, in Truro, NS. A Zoom option will also be available. Watch for more information about our keynote speaker and special Early Bird rates. Registration opens in mid-January.