This course is the second part of the foundational course in Christian theology. This second half of the course is focused on Anglican ecclesiology in particular. Starting from the consideration of the nature of Church, we explore what it means to know the Triune God in the mission and through our ministry the sacraments, and …
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Images of Diakonia
Diaconal ministry has at its heart connecting Christian scripture and tradition with the needs, hopes and concerns of the world. Using a framework of five key images, students will strengthen awareness of the sacred in the Church and the wider community, invigorate their practice of diakonia, and gain confidence in engaging others to do the …
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Diaconal Theology and Practice
This course is an introduction to the diaconate, what it is and what roles it fulfils. Since the publication of Baptism, Eucharist And Ministry in 1982, the Western church has been developing its understanding of diaconal ministers and their part in the life of the church. Lutherans and Anglicans have done much of this work …
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Practical Theology of Compassion
Bringing together theological perspectives, theory, and practice, students will explore the significance and impact of compassion for the communities they serve. This includes exploring the experience of human suffering, the relationship between divine and human action, and means of change to develop transforming practices that reflect the baptismal call to advance God’s life-giving renewal in …
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Current Course Schedule, Stevenson School of Ministry
The link provided here should take you to the current course listing, along with the various training pathways where courses can be combined to offer different kinds of certification.
Pastoral Care Training (7 weekly sessions in Fall 2022 or Winter 2023)
Do you have an interest, calling or are just curious about Pastoral Care? Maybe you want to be better equipped to support your church community, friends or your own family. We are all called to care and care deeply, as we are able, with one another. Maybe this is a “brush up” opportunity or time …
View course details “Pastoral Care Training (7 weekly sessions in Fall 2022 or Winter 2023)”
Understanding Grief
Are you experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage, or the breakup of a relationship? Grief is a natural response to loss. Understanding the Grief you are feeling is the first step to healing. Using various methods, we will explore the many facets of grief. Through group …
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Living Scripture
EW03 Living Scripture is an education and worship learning circle focusing on practical bible study, understanding and interpreting the bible in context, and the theology of revelation. It will be an opportunity to explore scripture’s significance for us and our communities. Register for EW03 Living Scripture
Ministry as Listening
SC01 Ministry as Listening is a spiritual care learning circle focusing on ministry of presence, pastoral visiting, prayer, counseling and spiritual direction, pastoral ethics and boundaries. It will be an opportunity to explore the power of truly listening. Register for SC01 Ministry as Listening
List of Learning Circles on specific themes, 2022-2023
We are looking forward to a return to in-person learning circles in 2022-2023, starting with the Learning on Purpose course in London, Ontario in June. October learning circles and April learning circles will be in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For those who really enjoy online learning, we will also have online circles in January/February and May/June. (Online …
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