“Coworkers With God”: MLK Online Social Justice Retreat

With the Rev. Dr. Mark Francisco Bozutti-Jones and Joseph Rose January 18, 2021 Streaming on Trinity Retreat Center’s Facebook and Instagram pages Free; No registration required Join Trinity Retreat Center in celebrating and remembering the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with a one-day retreat reflecting on “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” In his letter, the prophetic civil rights …
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Signs, Symbols, and Sacred Spaces

OVERVIEW As we have redefined our worship spaces this past year, the implications of “sacred space” have become more important than ever before. For many worshipers, “going to church” no longer involves chancels or stained glass. Instead, computers and couches have transformed into pulpits and pews. We have been forced to recreate our sacred space in unexpected places. But what makes a space sacred? In our time …
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Congregational Mission

Pastoral leaders face the challenge and opportunity of leading parishes and congregations in mission. This course will introduce students to ideas and practices informed by the missio dei (the Mission of God), for the support of congregational mission. Themes covered will include the spirituality of mission, neighbourhood engagement, eucharistic missiology, and new monasticism.  

Theology for a Global Church

In the 21st century, Christianity is a truly global religion. Christians are found across the world in countless cultures and contexts. This course explores the implications of this global reality for the practice of Christian ministry. Students will read a variety of theologians from non-western contexts to come to a greater understanding of the shape …
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Code: NT501 Dates: January 18, 2021 – April 9, 2021 on Thursdays Time: 2:00 pm for 3 Hours This course will introduce students to the major themes of Pauline theologies represented by New Testament texts and, where appropriate, other New Testament and extra-canonical literature. These theologies will be situated in the social matrix of antiquity …
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A Secular Age

Code: TH6/781 Dates: January 18, 2021 – April 9, 2021 on Tuesdays Time: 9:00 am for 3 Hours This seminar takes the form of reading and discussing Charles Taylor’s Templeton Prize Winning book, A Secular Age, as well as significant reviews/review essays and responses to it.  The book chronicles the rise of Western secularity, signal …
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