Christianity was a demonstrably global faith (with its center of gravity in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East) before it became a predominantly Western religion (c.1500). Now, after roughly five centuries, it has once again reemerged as a hugely non-Western phenomenon. A full historical account reveals a faith that is inherently global because it is …
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Heaven in the Theological Imagination
The concept of heaven has played an important role in Christian thought since the earliest New Testament writings, and the Christian vision of Heaven has influenced the world. How do we intersect with this concept, starting with what we were taught and continuing through the sense-making we’ve done for ourselves around the idea of heaven? …
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Listening to and Learning from Children in the Ancient World
What did it mean to be a child in the ancient world? Did Jesus and the early Christians accept and value children in different ways than their fellow Jews or neighbouring Greeks and Romans? This course will look at Jesus’ teachings on children, on reading other New Testament texts that deal with the life of …
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The Great Awakening-Era Sermons of Jonathan Edwards, 1734-1744
This course delves into the mid-eighteenth-century Protestant evangelical revival in New England from the perspective of one of its major figures, Jonathan Edwards, pastor of Northampton, Massachusetts, an epicenter of transatlantic evangelical culture at the time. During the decade from 1734 to 1744, Edwards oversaw two “awakenings” in his congregation and participated in many other …
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The Red- (and Blue-) Letter Bible: Reading the Book Together in a Divided Land
Amid political polarization in the U.S., Christians who believe and advocate on each side of the Red-Blue divide tend to cite scripture as if God’s voice is simply and very unambiguously on their side. However, inconveniently for these Right- and Left-wing advocates, the Bible is politically and theologically multi-vocal. One strand of tradition craves a …
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The Letter to the Romans: Justice and Race in Antiquity and Today
Some scholars have argued that the letter to the Romans is so unclear that it must be a pastiche of letters or the product of a confused, contradictory writer. We will together make sense of the letter in its historical context as a Jewish Paul articulates (not entirely clearly) how it is that God’s justice …
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Faith and Reason
This course will study the relation between faith in God and the capacities of human reason. The main topics will be the relation between faith in God and morality, religious experience, the problem of evil, the nature of faith, the traditional proofs for the existence of God, miracles and science, immortality, and religious pluralism. In all …
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Understanding & Communicating with Gen Z & Gen Alpha: A Masterclass
Learn from industry experts about Gen Z and Gen Alpha and what that means for your youth ministry context today in this masterclass webinar! Do you sometimes scratch your head trying to understand the younger generations? Are there ways we can reach them to tell them about Jesus? If so, how? The good news is …
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Putting a Human Face on Migration
This week-long seminar, directed by Janice McLean-Farrell and Leopoldo Sanchez, explores common assumptions in the media and wider public sphere about migrants and offers an introduction to the main theological approaches, as well as the complexity and nuances that accompany immigration in the U.S . It assists participants in developing a framework for thinking about ministry …
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The Open Generation: Gen Z, Jesus & Justice
New Leaf Network has always loved sharing and learning from Canadian-specific data about religion, flourishing congregations, and the Christian faith. We know how important it is to understand Canadians and their perspectives. We’re so excited to be sharing with you a first-of-its-kind international research study conducted by Barna to help church leaders understand teenagers around the …
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