Seeking Sanctuary, Finding Shalom: Love, Community, and the Lived Experience of Mental Health Challenges

This course will provide a unique blend of theology and practice focused around the lived experience of people with mental health challenges. We will develop a hospitable interdisciplinary dialogue within which different dimensions of the healing process of mental health care can come together with a view to exploring the theology, psychology and lived experience …
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Understanding Grief

Are you experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage, or the breakup of a relationship? Grief is a natural response to loss. Understanding the Grief you are feeling is the first step to healing. Using various methods, we will explore the many facets of grief. Through group …
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Ministry as Listening

SC01 Ministry as Listening is a spiritual care learning circle focusing on ministry of presence, pastoral visiting, prayer, counseling and spiritual direction, pastoral ethics and boundaries. It will be an opportunity to explore the power of truly listening. Register for SC01 Ministry as Listening

Forgiveness –What is It and Why Is It So Hard

Have you experienced deep disappointment, hurt or betrayal in an important relationship? Do you continue to suffer from a conflict or trauma that occurred long ago?Are unresolved issues affecting your health, finances or relationships?This interactive Workshop identifies the stumbling blocks to forgiveness, and then provides positive, practical methods to work through the anger, blame and …
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Introduction to Prison Chaplaincy

An introduction to chaplaincy practices in a criminal justice context. Students develop knowledge of offenses and sentences, prison dynamics and security issues, and skills in pastoral interviewing, maintaining public presence, faith formation, worship and rituals, ecumenical and inter-faith accommodation, restorative justice, and reintegration initiatives.  

Self-teaching Webinars

The link provided goes to their YouTube channel, which provides a good number of presentations on the topics of addiction and faith.