PE351 Ministry of Supervision

Taught by the Rev. Dr. Trish McCarthy. Delivered in 2 four-day modules, four weeks apart with reading and assignments in between. Pre-Requisite: five years of half to full-time parish ministry or the comparable based on consultation with instructor. This type of course could possibly interest those experienced in ministry in advance studies.  

The Sacred Side Hustle: Embracing Your Multivocational Calling

The unique calling of a multivocational minister can be a lonely place, but you are not alone. Join us on December 9-11, 2021 for an online interactive conference about Multivocational Calling. Jared Siebert Jared Siebert currently serves as the National Director for Church Development for the Free Methodist Church in Canada and author of Gutsy: …
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Citizen-Led Accountability: Strategies and Practices

Citizens have the right and responsibility to hold state actors and other power holders (e.g., corporations, NGOs) accountable for decisions and actions that affect their lives. Indeed, the participation of active citizens is key to ensuring good governance, which directly affects people on a daily basis (i.e., by influencing access to health care, education, housing, …
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Women’s Leadership for Community Development

Local women leaders are dealing with the big issues of our day, especially in addressing persistent and deep-rooted inequalities.  This online program will provide inspiration for women around the world (Indigenous and non-Indigenous) to enhance their leadership capacities for citizen-led community-driven development and create spaces for social change to occur. The 7-week program will focus …
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Introduction to Social Enterprise

There has been growing interest in social enterprise as a vehicle to create social change while addressing the age-old question of sustainability. Beginning with an assessment of the emergence and history of the social entrepreneurship movement, this course will cover topics such as the for-profit and not-for-profit divide, the need for varied capital at different …
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Developmental Evaluation for Social Impact

Developmental Evaluation is an exciting approach to evaluation that enables social innovators, policy and program managers, and community leaders to design, monitor, and adapt social change initiatives in complex and uncertain environments. In this course, you will be introduced to Developmental Evaluation (DE) through an interactive learning approach that models adult learning principles. Using asynchronous …
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Advancing Women’s Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding for Community Development

This course is open to all self-identifying women It is designed to advance understandings of conflict, security, and peace for women’s leadership in a changing world. In this course, we explicitly emphasize women’s experiences, roles, knowledge, opportunities, and barriers in security, conflict transformation, and peace building –particularly in community and organizational spaces. Using a gender …
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Family Faith Formation

Faith formation most sustainably happens as part of normal family life.  Our most committed families prior to the pandemic were only in parish formation programming once a week, most far less than that.  The challenges of a post-COVID life have caused us to be even more concerned that families may not return to regular gathered …
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