Description TBD Taught by the Rev. Dr. Sam Fornecker
The Celtic Way: Discovering Christ in our Midst
“The rediscovery of the Celtic world has been an extraordinary revelation for many Christians in recent years, an opening up of the depths and riches within our own tradition….” – Esther DeWaal, The Celtic Way of Prayer, p. ix. This three-session seminar/workshop will introduce the fundamentals of Celtic Christian culture, history, theology, spirituality, and engagement. …
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Asian and Asian American Christianity
This course introduces the development in Asian and Asian American study of Christianity by senior scholars from various disciplines, including theology, biblical studies, practical theology, mission, inter-religious dialogue, and gender and religion. It will challenge Eurocentrism in scholarship and explore methodology, emerging issues, and debates in the various fields using Asian/American identity as a critical …
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Pilgrimage to St Paul’s sites in Rome
This pilgrimage is a prayerful journey on the footsteps of St Paulin the City of Rome where he came to share the gospel and hislife for his brothers and sisters in Christ. During four days we willfollow and reexperience Paul’s mission in Rome, by visiting sitesrelated to his Jewish faith, the early communities of followers …
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The Theology of the Church
What is the Church? Is it a building, a community, or something more? This course will examine ecclesiology, the doctrine of the Church. Topics will include: scriptural images of, and language concerning the Church; the historical development of the doctrine of the Church; the nature and mission of the Church; the marks of the Church …
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Race, Racism & Christian Identity
As members of modern nation-states shaped by globalization, we are unavoidably embedded in the complexities of racial disparities and tensions. These societal realities shape our personal lives, our relationships, and our everyday activities in countless ways that often go unrecognized and unaddressed. They also affect our capacities to live out the biblical vision of identity …
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Race & Ethnicity in the Hebrew Bible and Among Its Interpreters
Professor: Leslie Virnelson
Anti-Racism Work & Action: First Third Ministry Leadership Conference
…a powerful event, in partnership with LeaderSHIFT, the Pacific Mountain Region Council Justice Ministry Network, the Vancouver School of Theology, and you. Anti-Racism Work & Action Leadership Conference is an offering of Chinook Winds & Pacific Mountain Regional Councils First Third Ministry, of The United Church of Canada. First Third Ministry’s mission is to support …
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Can the Past be Reconciled? Two Histories, Two Lands
On October 7, 2023 Hamas militants launched a devastating assault on Israel erupting into the most severe Palestinian-Israeli conflict seen in decades. Once again the world has been drawn into the aching question; will these people ever know a just and peaceful coexistence? Even as one considers that far away tragedy, Canada continues to awaken …
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Rhythms of Missional Spirituality
This course will help leaders learn from the past, be aware of the present and plan for the future. The course will explore ancient truths that have helped guide Christians for the past two thousand years and introduce new concepts from leadership science. Most importantly, all of the learning will be practical and will enhance …
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