Children & Spiritual Identity

The study of children and childhood are now hot topics across a range of academic disciplines including philosophy, anthropology, literature, theology, and history. The historical study of childhood began with Philippe Ariès’s ground-breaking work, L’Enfant et la Vie Familiale sous l’Ancien Régime (1960) (published in English as Centuries of Childhood in 1962), which argued that …
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Becoming a Safer Church

“The witness of Scripture recognizes and affirms God’s love for all members of the human family and the priority given in Jesus’ ministry to children and the vulnerable of society.” — Excerpt from the Charter for the Safety of People within the Churches of the Anglican Communion, adopted by General Synod in 2019 Safeguarding the …
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A Spirituality of Race for Children and Youth (and Those Who Love Them)

This course will explore the history and development of race in North American contexts, including the role of Christianity. It will demonstrate the importance and execution of race conversation with children and youth. It will include personal practices to engage children, youth, and adults in productive work toward racial justice. Course will be taught in …
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Creating Congregations of Belonging for People of All Abilities

People with Down syndrome, autism, ADHD, learning differences, dementia, medical challenges, and other differences of ability are treasured by God and should be treasured in every church. This online course provides the framework and practical tools to shape a congregation where people of varying abilities and disabilities can participate and belong. INSTRUCTED BY: John. D. …
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