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Listening to and Learning from Children in the Ancient World
What did it mean to be a child in the ancient world? Did Jesus and the early Christians accept and value children in different ways than their fellow Jews or neighbouring Greeks and Romans? This course will look at Jesus’ teachings on children, on reading other New Testament texts that deal with the life of …
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Formation Fundamentals Book Group
An opportunity to read and discuss influential ministry texts in community online. There are many texts related to ministry that can challenge and make us better. It can be difficult to prioritize reading these books with all the other demands on our plate. Lifelong Learning is offering the opportunity to read and work through these …
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Common Roots : Ancient Evangelical Future Conference
This conference is a response to the alarm that has been sounded by many Christian scholars over the past few years that the Old Testament has become “a discredited, and therefore disused book.” Today, even Christians that want to affirm the Old Testament often struggle to know what to do with it. But things have …
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Intergenerational Worship for the Post Pandemic Church
Enrichment Day with Tori Smit and Chris Fischer The pandemic changed us, and it changed our communities, too. Come to explore how your congregation might find new opportunities as you re-establish Sunday worship in person. Tori and Chris are skilled leaders who will ask important questions, share their insights and teach you new skills. Take home …
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2023 Summer Program List for Sorrento Centre
You should find the most up-to-date information on all their courses for 2023 on the web page in our link.
Children & Spiritual Identity
The study of children and childhood are now hot topics across a range of academic disciplines including philosophy, anthropology, literature, theology, and history. The historical study of childhood began with Philippe Ariès’s ground-breaking work, L’Enfant et la Vie Familiale sous l’Ancien Régime (1960) (published in English as Centuries of Childhood in 1962), which argued that …
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Becoming a Safer Church
“The witness of Scripture recognizes and affirms God’s love for all members of the human family and the priority given in Jesus’ ministry to children and the vulnerable of society.” — Excerpt from the Charter for the Safety of People within the Churches of the Anglican Communion, adopted by General Synod in 2019 Safeguarding the …
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An up-to-date Course Listing for Ambrose University
Follow the link provided to find a listing of courses being offered this term and in upcoming ones.
CLAY 2023: Ashes and Embers
Your 2023 Summer Youth Group plans? Sorted. Come and join us for CLAY 2023 from Thursday August 10th until Sunday August 13th for a jam packed weekend of worship, learning, community and fun. Never been to CLAY before? Check out the highlights from our last in person CLAY in 2018 for what to expect! Wilfrid …
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