Defusing Anger – 2023

Anger is a serious problem for all of us, no matter what we do or where we live. It is behind the violent behavior we hear about on the news; it is one of the causes of self-destructive addictions; it wrecks many intimate relationships; it animates the harm we do through gossip and negative talk …
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Professional and Personal Ethics

In this course professional ethics in chaplaincy and counselling ministry settings will be considered. In this regard, issues such as codes of conduct, personal rights and freedoms, pertinent legal issues, knowing one’s professional limits, how and when to make a referral, maintaining confidentiality, and standards for ongoing professional and personal development will be addressed. Attention …
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Practical Theology of Compassion

Bringing together theological perspectives, theory, and practice, students will explore the significance and impact of compassion for the communities they serve. This includes exploring the experience of human suffering, the relationship between divine and human action, and means of change to develop transforming practices that reflect the baptismal call to advance God’s life-giving renewal in …
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Becoming a Safer Church

“The witness of Scripture recognizes and affirms God’s love for all members of the human family and the priority given in Jesus’ ministry to children and the vulnerable of society.” — Excerpt from the Charter for the Safety of People within the Churches of the Anglican Communion, adopted by General Synod in 2019 Safeguarding the …
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Understanding Grief

Are you experiencing grief due to the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage, or the breakup of a relationship? Grief is a natural response to loss. Understanding the Grief you are feeling is the first step to healing. Using various methods, we will explore the many facets of grief. Through group …
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Ministry as Listening

SC01 Ministry as Listening is a spiritual care learning circle focusing on ministry of presence, pastoral visiting, prayer, counseling and spiritual direction, pastoral ethics and boundaries. It will be an opportunity to explore the power of truly listening. Register for SC01 Ministry as Listening

Introduction to Prison Chaplaincy

An introduction to chaplaincy practices in a criminal justice context. Students develop knowledge of offenses and sentences, prison dynamics and security issues, and skills in pastoral interviewing, maintaining public presence, faith formation, worship and rituals, ecumenical and inter-faith accommodation, restorative justice, and reintegration initiatives.