Jerusalem Ministry Formation

The Jerusalem Ministry Formation program is a special course designed for people in training for ministry, whether as clergy or lay leaders. The Jerusalem Ministry Formation program is a special course designed for people in training for ministry, whether as clergy or lay leaders. It is both a pilgrimage delving deeply into the places where Christian and Jewish faith is rooted …
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Women of the Bible

The Women of the Bible course is a ten day study pilgrimage which offers a reflective spiritual experience visiting the holy sites relating to both the Old and New Testaments highlighting especially the stories of women. Particular course itineraries vary, but typically many of the following places would feature in the schedule. Ein Kerem, the village where …
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Easter In Jerusalem

pend Holy Week and Easter (Western tradition) with us in 2023. The pilgrimage will be tailored to follow the events of the season and will enable the group to participate in church services to mark the days. The pilgrimage will reflect on Orthodox traditions for Easter too. There will be a three-day (two night) excursion …
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Footsteps of Jesus

Footsteps of Jesus is a 10-day study pilgrimage focusing on the scriptures, sites, and landscapes associated with Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The course roughly follows a chronological arc of the life of Jesus. There are several iterations of this program. Its focus is more devotional than the longer Palestine of Jesus course, while still …
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The Palestine of Jesus

The Palestine of Jesus course lasts for 10-14 days and combines biblical and historical studies with pilgrimage to selected sites connected with Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Several dates are offered each year. This course has a greater focus on the historical contexts and cultures in which Jesus exercised his earthly ministry than the shorter Footsteps of …
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The Sensual Gospel of John: Experiencing the Fourth Gospel through the Five Senses

“The Word made flesh,” according to William Temple, is the most important phrase in all of Christianity because it affirms flesh as the vehicle and instrument for spirit. Although some scholars have described Jesus in John’s Gospel as a detached “god who seems to glide over the face of the earth,” a closer look reveals how much John’s Jesus takes great delight …
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The Prophets

This course is a survey course of prophets in Ancient Israel and the texts of the prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Studying the language of the prophetic corpus, we will explore the historical, social, and political contexts of the writings and their meanings for the intended audience and readers today. By the end of the …
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Praying the Old Testament

What is particular and peculiar about the Bible in Anglicanism?  What do Anglican bring to their reading, study, and interpretation of the Bible?  How does the Bible affect the way Anglicans live out their faith through worship, study, and many forms of ministry and service?  In answering these questions this course studies how the Bible …
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The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch is a survey course in which students examine the first five books of the canon of the Hebrew Bible. Students will attend to the patriarchs and matriarchs, the earliest covenants, the exodus traditions, laws, codes, and rituals of the agrarian society represented in the biblical world of the Pentateuch. Students will explore a) …
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