This Tuesday evening class will meet online for a total of 4 classes via Zoom meeting. This Lifelong Learning short course explores the power and passion of biblical prophecy. Through creative Bible study (including art, music, PowerPoint, film, and lively discussion), we will discover how the Bible uses all kinds of people—men, women, and children—as …
View course details “The Passion of Prophecy”
The Gospel of John & Its Prologue: Fall Colloquium
Featuring: Paul Anderson (George Fox University), Stephen Chester (Wycliffe College), Michael Dauphinais (Ave Maria University), Joseph Mangina (Wycliffe College), Ben Reynolds (Tyndale University) View FULL SCHEDULE The Prologue of John’s Gospel (John 1:1—18) has been viewed by some scholars as the programmatic key to understanding the rest of the Gospel and the fullest revelation of God himself. …
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Living Scripture
EW03 Living Scripture is an education and worship learning circle focusing on practical bible study, understanding and interpreting the bible in context, and the theology of revelation. It will be an opportunity to explore scripture’s significance for us and our communities. Register for EW03 Living Scripture
Creation, Fall and Redemption
An in-depth examination of the Christian doctrines of creation, fall, and redemption as articulated over history and across cultures. Issues considered include image of God, the infinite and the finite, conceptions of the fall, the existence of suffering, and the meaning of atonement and redemption. Prerequisite: TH 501
The Wisdom Literature
An exegetical study of the books of Job, Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. These books will be examined for their contents, theological messages, poetic styles, and settings within the wisdom literature genre in the Ancient Near East as well as their impact on and relevance to contemporary issues. Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502 …
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An introduction to Old Testament studies and exegetical skills through the study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
An up-to-date Course Listing for Ambrose University
Follow the link provided to find a listing of courses being offered this term and in upcoming ones.
Online Festival of Biblical Telling 2023: “Biblical Telling: A New Way Home”
The NBSC Vision Team is beyond excited to present to you the plans for our – now February – annual conference. Our 2 ½-day event holds the promise of four exciting keynote addresses by Dr Randy Richards, worship and song, workshops for all levels on a variety of topics, a story theatre by seasoned tellers, …
View course details “Online Festival of Biblical Telling 2023: “Biblical Telling: A New Way Home””
VST Current Course Listings
Many of the courses in this list are both online and in-person. Unfortunately, there is not a simple way to list all of the online courses.
Introduction to the Bible Lands
During the course our academic staff and chaplain will enable you to: Explore the Holy Land as Christian pilgrims Visit key biblical sites from the Old and New Testaments Understand better the historical contexts and cultures in which Biblical stories took place. To integrate contextual biblical study with theological and spiritual reflection To encounter the …
View course details “Introduction to the Bible Lands”