OVERVIEW This summer, Princeton Theological Seminary is pleased to offer introductory Greek and Hebrew intensive online language courses. These eight-week summer courses are open to both incoming degree students and non-degree students. They cover the equivalent of a full year of language study in the span of 8 weeks and count for six credits. Summer language …
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Introduction to New Testament Greek II
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the basic elements of Greek grammar and vocabulary as a foundation for reading and interpreting the Greek New Testament. The student will be asked to memorize thoroughly the vocabulary and word-form paradigms in each chapter of the textbook and learn the grammatical constructions as …
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Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew II
This course is a continuation of LANG 510. Our primary focus this term will be the Hebrew verb system with an emphasis on the various forms of the Hebrew verb (morphology). At the same time, we will be continuing to work on building our vocabulary base and expanding our capacity to translate biblical texts. Credit …
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Introduction to New Testament Greek I
This course, in conjunction with LANG 551, introduces the student to the Greek of the New Testament and provides an opportunity to master its essential grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. The purpose of this introduction is to provide a foundation foe a lifetime of reading the original language text of the New Testament. Upon completion of …
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Introduction to Old Testament Hebrew I
Welcome to this course on Biblical Hebrew. I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to take up the challenge. Hebrew is a rich and rewarding language to study (and with it, you will gain access to around 78% of the Bible). It will require hard work and effort, but the challenge is worth it. Language study can …
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Perspectives on Biblical Languages
This course offers an overview of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, with an emphasis on why knowledge of the original languages has been vital throughout Christian history and why this knowledge plays a significant role today. Assuming no prior study of either language, you will learn some of the basic features of Greek …
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Greek for Preaching and Teaching
Professor Tim Gannett
Biblical Hebrew or Greek classes
Summer language will meet daily, Monday through Friday, from June 24-August 16. Greek and Hebrew will be offered in both hybrid and online* formats that will include self-paced, independent work integrated with daily, live small group sessions that are punctuated by weekly enrichment gatherings with the whole class online. These courses are open to students …
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Perspectives on Biblical Languages
This course offers an overview of Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, with an emphasis on why knowledge of the original languages has been vital throughout Christian history and why this knowledge plays a significant role today. Assuming no prior study of either language, you will learn some of the basic features of Greek …
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Intermediate New Testament Greek I
Together with LANG 651 in the following term, this course builds on the foundations of Greek grammar and morphology from Introductory Greek I and II so that students may become careful, fluent, and life-long readers of the Greek New Testament. Students will consolidate their introductory studies, extend their vocabulary, deepen their understanding of Greek grammar, …
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