We live in a fast-paced society with a seemingly endless list of demands. Life naturally brings its share of challenges and stress. The key is to move forward so that stress doesn’t impact other areas of your life. Stress affects us all, but why exactly do we feel it and what causes it? This Workshop …
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Everyday Christian Teaching: How Faith Shapes Pedagogy
How are the choices we make about how to teach connected to the faith that frames our actions? It’s easy to focus mainly on whether we say true things in our teaching. Yet the New Testament speaks of truth as embodied—as residing in actions and not just in words. We will therefore explore how Christian …
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Children & Spiritual Identity
In recent years, the study of children and childhood has become a hot topic across a range of academic disciplines, including philosophy, anthropology, literature, theology, and history. In this course, we’ll enter this lively conversation, giving special attention to children’s spiritual experiences and contributions to the life of the church. The historical study of childhood …
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Vocation, Work & Career
This course offers a consideration of the theological, ethical, spiritual, and practical dimensions of vocation and the meaning of work in both the church and the world. Special attention will be given to Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ignatius of Loyola, and Teresa of Avila—key voices from the sixteenth century who can inform how we think …
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Grief Support tor Loss of a Loved One
The loss of a loved one is one of life’s most difficult experiences. There is no right or wrong way to “do grief”. Nor is there a specific timeline to follow or on which to rely. Every individual is unique. Strength and insight can be gained as people share their personal reflections of this shared …
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Discovering life’s purpose has been a mission of man since the beginning of time. People have always felt the desire to do something that changes the world, or at least their world. God created us each with a purpose. Have you ever uttered the words, “What is my purpose in life, God?” or “Is there …
“The Times They are A-Changin” – A Retreat for Walking the Path of Change and Transition in Your Life
Life is full of changes. Sometimes those changes are welcome and sometimes they are not. Are you feeling as if you are in transition as you navigate a new phase of life? Maybe there are dramatic changes that are out of your control – the loss of a loved one, a relationship, change in health …
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Who am I? Where am I going? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? Have you ever struggled with these questions? You are not alone. Many of us go through life without ever finding the answers. Some of us look to others for these answers rather than looking deep inside ourselves. Self-knowledge is …
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THE JOURNEY OF FAITH: A Trip For A Lifetime!
The most important journey we will ever embark on in life is our spiritual journey. But sometimes we spend more time planning a trip than we do planning our faith journey. Many of us do not understand what spiritual growth is and why it is crucial to our wellbeing. Spend the day discerning where you …
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Spiritual Friendship
In Spiritual Friendship, students will explore the theme of friendship in the Gospel of John, Celtic Christianity (anam cara), Anglo-Saxon spirituality, Cicero, St. Augustine, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Thomas Merton, and most of all, in the life, work, and teachings of the English Cistercian abbot St. Aelred of Rievaulx, author of the Christian medieval classic …
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