Postcolonial Communion: The Anglican Communion in Global Context

What does the “Anglican Communion” mean? How do different histories, cultures, and interpretations of Anglicanism come together into this one global relationship? This course explores the Anglican Communion from its historical origins, its entanglement in colonialism and empire, its relationship to other faiths and other versions of the Christian tradition, and its modern tensions and …
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Ten Classics from Pre-Modern African and Asian Christianity

This course will examine a sampling of Christian texts from Ethiopia, Syria, Persia, and China from before the era of European exploration, colonization, and missions. These writings offer glimpses into the experiences of believers from African and Asian contexts, Christians whose lives differed in remarkable ways from those of their European counterparts. Our sources come …
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History of Christianity I

This survey course invites students to encounter the story of Christianity from the end of the New Testament era to the Fall of Constantinople in 1453 and the eve of the Reformation. It follows the spread the Christian communities across Asia, Africa and Europe. It highlights the theological, ecclesiastical, ethical, and missional responses developed by …
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Anglican Ecumenism Seminar

This research seminar will explore the history and theology of modern Anglican ecumenical thought and practice. Students will engage key Anglican ecumenical texts and a wide selection of agreed statements and documented dialogues between Anglicans and other church bodies. These will include Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox (non-Chalcedonian), Pentecostal, Reformed, and Roman Catholic churches. …
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The Celtic Way: Discovering Christ in our Midst

“The rediscovery of the Celtic world has been an extraordinary revelation for many Christians in recent years, an opening up of the depths and riches within our own tradition….” – Esther DeWaal, The Celtic Way of Prayer, p. ix. This three-session seminar/workshop will introduce the fundamentals of Celtic Christian culture, history, theology, spirituality, and engagement. …
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Asian and Asian American Christianity

This course introduces the development in Asian and Asian American study of Christianity by senior scholars from various disciplines, including theology, biblical studies, practical theology, mission, inter-religious dialogue, and gender and religion. It will challenge Eurocentrism in scholarship and explore methodology, emerging issues, and debates in the various fields using Asian/American identity as a critical …
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