How can understanding the history of The Episcopal Church help you understand your own faith and your ministry more deeply? How does the history of an individual diocese or parish relate to the larger history of who is Episcopalian and what it means? In this course, students will develop a new understanding of The Episcopal …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition
It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Anglican Life: Polity and Liturgy
This course is designed to introduce students to the nature and practice of worship, liturgy, sacramental theology, and spiritual formation in the Anglican tradition. Students will explore the history and theology of the practice of baptism, the eucharist, other services commonly used in Anglican parishes, and the place of preaching, particularly in light of the …
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Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition
Ethics in the Anglican tradition draws on a rich history of discourse as we strive to engage with our faith, living it out in an imperfect world and Church. Whether we are struggling to justify sacramental liturgy and church hierarchy in the face of Puritan attack, or determining church policy on inclusion of women and LGBTQIA+ people, Anglicans …
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Anglican Practical and Pastoral Theology
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Liturgical Theology
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Anglican Approaches to Ministry
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2024 Common Roots Ancient Evangelical Futures
The Gift of Time Philosophers say time is the measure of change. Humans experience time as the measure of their lives as they make their way from the cradle to the grave. In this case, time easily becomes something to dread or even hate as bodies weaken and the moments tick away. The Scriptures, though, …
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Word and Sacrament: Mission in a Post-Christian World
Description TBD Taught by the Rev. Dr. Dan Alger
Worship in the Prayer Book Tradition
The Book of Common Prayer is central to understanding the distinctives, commonalities and appeal of the Anglican Way, both historically and in contemporary mission. This course challenges students toward a deep appreciation of the living Prayer Book Tradition of North American and global Anglicanism. Pastoral, biblical, theological, liturgical, aesthetic, formational and missional coherence are all …
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