Postcolonial Communion: The Anglican Communion in Global Context

What does the “Anglican Communion” mean? How do different histories, cultures, and interpretations of Anglicanism come together into this one global relationship? This course explores the Anglican Communion from its historical origins, its entanglement in colonialism and empire, its relationship to other faiths and other versions of the Christian tradition, and its modern tensions and …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition

It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Anglican Life: Polity and Liturgy

This course is designed to introduce students to the nature and practice of worship, liturgy, sacramental theology, and spiritual formation in the Anglican tradition. Students will explore the history and theology of the practice of baptism, the eucharist, other services commonly used in Anglican parishes, and the place of preaching, particularly in light of the …
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Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course

The Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course is an innovative eight-day intensive course, designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry. All courses are conducted in English. Registration includes: Program tuition. Hotel and meals for all participants in Atlanta (nights of August 9 to 11) …
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What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition

It has become rather commonplace to suppose that Anglican Christians care mostly about liturgy and not very much about theology. That’s not true! Anglican traditions exhibit a rich and diverse history of theological reflection. Anglicans have always insisted that that how Christians think and talk about God makes a critical difference in what Christians believe. …
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Anglican Studies

Taught by Archbishop Lynne McNaughton and Rev. Dr. Iain Luke.

Ministering by Word and Example

This program engages students in theory, theology, practice, reflection, and action in ways that are useful for ministerial formation in a variety of learning contexts. This program: Explores the foundations for diaconal service in the Anglican tradition Develops capacity for Biblical and theological reflection; pastoral and social responses, especially with vulnerable people; and leadership in …
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An introduction to the planning of congregational music for worship leaders and practitioners. This course will explore the connections between the liturgical year (as set by the Revised Standard Lectionary), the biblical readings and a variety of music and liturgical resources and settings. The content material will draw, primarily, on liturgical resources within the Anglican …