What does it look like to care for communities in the wake of mass trauma, such as gun violence, the pandemic, or racism? How can churches rebuild trust with individuals who have experienced trauma as part of their religious experiences? In this track, you will learn from skilled practitioners and Candler School of Theology professors …
View course details “Trauma-Informed Care and Ministry”
The web site indicated should have an up to date listing of all Pastoral Counselling Education (PCE) training courses currently available in Canada.
Follow the link provided to find a listing of courses being offered this term and in upcoming ones.
The link provided goes to their YouTube channel, which provides a good number of presentations on the topics of addiction and faith.
What does it mean to flourish as a whole person, made in the image of God? Conversations about mental health have become more visible in recent years, as scientific advances and social upheavals alike have cast new light on our inner struggles. These conversations aren’t easy or one-dimensional: they can encompass everything from everyday stress, …
View course details “Certificates on Christianity and Mental Health”
An initiation to Evangelical Studies by way of an incursion into Scripture, theology, missiology and pastoral practices. The student acquires conceptual tools as well as basic skills necessary to interact with and serve both Church and society. The Minor in Pastoral Studies leads to a Université Laval diploma or can be the first year of …
View course details “Minor in Pastoral Studies (30 Credits)”
Groups develop ministry skills and earn micro-credentials through a 24-week online certificate program that combines group engagement with guidance from trained facilitators. Perfect for ministry teams, church groups, and non-profit team members! Available Tracks: Essentials for Biblical Interpretation Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation Essentials for Youth Ministry Trauma Care and Healing Social Justice and Community Engagement …
View course details “Foundations in Faith & Leadership: A cohort-based online certificate program”
The website link should take you to a listing of all the upcoming events for the Centre.