This course provides an orientation to the Old Testament Scriptures for those with limited exposure to and knowledge of its content. Orientation to the whole Old Testament in the space of seven weeks is made possible by seeing it from many different perspectives. Sometimes we look at the whole, as scripture and canon–especially at the …
View course details “Orientation to the Old Testament”
This course will explore Paul’s letters in their respective historical, social and cultural contexts. In addition, we will study the theology that governed these letters as pastoral interventions into various situations. We will highlight certain themes and assess their relevance for ministry, evangelism, and discipleship today. Instructor: My name is Laurent Okitakatshi, the instructor for …
View course details “The Pauline Epistles”
As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
View course details “The Diaconal Hermeneutic”
Ethics in the Anglican tradition draws on a rich history of discourse as we strive to engage with our faith, living it out in an imperfect world and Church. Whether we are struggling to justify sacramental liturgy and church hierarchy in the face of Puritan attack, or determining church policy on inclusion of women and LGBTQIA+ people, Anglicans …
View course details “Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition”
Reconciliation is the mission of the Church; and reconciliation is not the absence of conflict but rather the navigation of it. When approached with skill and grounded in Christ’s love, conflict is a healthy process through which we fully encounter our neighbor, we learn about ourselves, and ultimately leads to unity amidst difference. In this …
View course details “Navigating Conflict: Speaking the Truth in Love”
Systematic theology seeks to tell a single story about God and God’s activity in the world from Creation to the Eschaton. There are points within that story that we will focus on, particularly as it comes to gaining clarity about God’s activity. The person of Jesus Christ as the central and seminal activity of the …
View course details “Systematic Theology”
In this course, students will learn the origins of Christian monastic, mendicant, and mystical spiritualities by immersing themselves in the pre-Reformation literature and spiritual practices of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, the Benedictines, the Cistercians, the Celtic Christians, the Franciscans, and the Medieval English Mystics. By doing so, students will recover spiritual nourishment and riches …
View course details “Early and Medieval Christian Spirituality”
This page should provide up-to-date links to all the courses currently being offered online, as well as links to the in-person courses available at this seminary.