What does it look like to care for communities in the wake of mass trauma, such as gun violence, the pandemic, or racism? How can churches rebuild trust with individuals who have experienced trauma as part of their religious experiences? In this track, you will learn from skilled practitioners and Candler School of Theology professors …
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The first five books of the Old Testament are filled with captivating stories of our ancestors in faith, from Abraham and Sarah to Moses and Miriam. Their narratives involve extraordinary acts of faith but also moments of doubt, fear, and failure. Taught by Candler OT professor Ryan Bonfiglio, this 5-session course explores these complex figures …
View course details “From Abraham to Moses: Stories of the Ancestors”
“The less form in religion the better, since God is a Spirit; . . . the more silent, the more suitable to the language of a Spirit.” So said seventeenth century Quaker William Penn, urging Christians to embrace silence as a spiritual practice. “Holy Silence: The Quaker Way” extends Penn’s invitation to today’s readers. Quaker …
View course details “Holy Silence: The Quaker Way – 2025”
We’ve reached a moment in history when the world needs Jesus-followers to be ONE Body. As social ties fray and break around politics and other divisive forces, as loneliness becomes epidemic, we do well to hear and heed the apostle Paul’s prescriptions for the divided Corinthian church. Among Paul’s letters, 1 Corinthians gives us the …
View course details “1 Corinthians in the First and 21st Centuries Bible Study”
Join us for a 7-week course at the Stevenson School for Ministry that explores the theme of overcoming challenges and finding hope through the lens of the Biblical Wisdom tradition. In this course, we will delve into the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job to discover timeless wisdom that can help us navigate through life’s …
View course details “Wisdom Literature (7-weeks)”
Discover how the Protestant Reformation reshaped faith and society in this engaging course with Dr. Colin Donnelly. Join online or on-site! Led by Dr. Colin Donnelly, Assistant Professor of Church History at Virginia Theological Seminary, this dynamic short course explores the profound influence of the Protestant Reformation in shaping modern society. With expertise in the …
View course details “New Heaven, New Earth: The Reformation and the Making of the Modern World”
Developed in partnership with the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Calvin University School of Graduate and Continuing Studies, this online course equips leaders of all types of ministries with practical tools for relating well to people from a variety of cultures. Understanding and respecting cultural differences is key to a healthy ministry. What …
View course details “Cultural Values in Ministry”
This course focuses on the Old Testament and is intended for those seeking to bring out (exegete) the message of ancient scripture for contemporary communities of faith. Rather than beginning with a description of exegetical methods, this course provides an overview of Old Testament literature (stories, laws, histories, novellas, prayers, et al.), exploring how to …
View course details “Exegeting the Old Testament”
The course introduces the New Testament (NT) from a historical, literary, and theological perspective. It focuses on the Canonical Gospels’ distinct nature: the authorship, the key themes, issues the authors addressed, the theological teachings, and their relevance for ministry today. Instructor: My name is Laurent Okitakatshi, the instructor for the course on The Pauline Epistles. …
View course details “Introduction to the New Testament”
How can understanding the history of The Episcopal Church help you understand your own faith and your ministry more deeply? How does the history of an individual diocese or parish relate to the larger history of who is Episcopalian and what it means? In this course, students will develop a new understanding of The Episcopal …
View course details “The Episcopal Church”