January 26, 2018 - January 28, 2018
Offered by Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre
Niagara Falls
, ON
Winter Retreats with Kathryn McMorrow
A Retreat for Women
January 26 – 28, 2018
Inner Child is a metaphor for the spontaneous, creative, emotional and sometimes hurting parts of ourselves which are calling to be healed. Through mini-presentations and personal reflection we will explore ways to access those parts of ourselves that are waiting to be integrated into our lives. Participants will leave with tools to continue the process.
Suggested reading: Recovery of Your Inner Child by L. Capacchione; and Homecoming by J. Bradshaw
Cost: $280
Call for commuter rate.
Check-in starts at 4 PM; Retreat starts at 7:30 PM
Retreat ends on Sunday with lunch.