Debating Mission, Marriage, and the Eucharist in the Anglican Communion

January 22, 2018 - January 25, 2018
Montreal QC

 Debating Mission, Marriage, and the Eucharist in the Anglican Communion

One-week intensive: January 22 to 25, 2018 in Montreal

Jan. 22, 23, and 25: 9am to 4pm; Jan. 24: 9am to 12pm., 2018

Fifty years ago, Anglican worship centred on Morning Prayer, priests were male, marriages were only between a man and a woman, and the word mission was hardly used. In Anglican churches today, worship centres on the Eucharist, the church ordains women and men, some churches marry couples of the same sex, and the word mission is in widespread use. Drawing on Anglican and ecumenical authors from around the world, this course introduces students to the history and theology that lies behind these changes. Students will be enabled to make critical judgments about the recent evolution of Anglicanism and think in new ways about the future directions of the Anglican churches.

About the instructor: The Rev. Dr. Jesse Zink is principal of Montreal Diocesan Theological College. He has traveled and written widely about Anglican history and theology, including his book Backpacking through the Anglican Communion: A Search for Unity.

Cost: $355


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course content, admissions,

accommodation, and

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