Renewal Conference
Learn about God’s plan while enjoying a piece of heaven on earth
June 24–29, 2018
About the Conference
Kanuga’s annual Renewal Conference brings families and friends together for a week of teaching, worship and healing. Designed as a spiritual recharge, the week features dynamic morning and evening teaching, afternoon relaxation and workshops and powerful worship.
Keynote Speaker
The Very Rev. Dr. John M. Barr, III is the son of an Episcopal priest who was born in Sewanee, TN, from which he graduated. After teaching English for several years, he graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in 1976 and received his D.Min. in 2000. He has served parishes in Aiken, Pawley’s Island, and Sumter, SC and in both Alabama and Mississippi. He has been keynoter and workshop presenter for many conferences. He and his wife Laura are long-time Renewal veterans.
The Rev. Michael Lumpkin is a third-generation priest. Born in Rock Hill SC, he graduated from Sewanee prior to attending Virginia Theological Seminary. He has served parishes in Aiken, Spartanburg and Summerville, SC prior to retirement in 2014. He and wife Ellen are happily ensconced on Edisto Island, where Michael continues to study, teach and preach occasionally. They, too, have long been part of the Renewal community.
Conference Staff
Mark and Lisa Greenslit.
Rates are per person (each person must be registered) and include 5 nights lodging and meals beginning with supper Sunday and ending with breakfast on Friday.
- Double Occupancy (shared room/per person): $800 (Early Bird – $720 by February 26)
- Single Occupancy (private room): $990 (Early Bird – $891 by February 26)
- Youth (10-18) $350 (Early Bird – $315 by February 26)
- Child (3-9) $235 (Early Bird – $212 by February 26)
- Infant/Toddler (0-2 yrs.) Free
- Commuter (meals and facility fees only – NO lodging): $575 (Early Bird – $518 by February 26)