North American Guild Change Ringers

Online Website

North American Guild Change Ringers:

The ancient art and science of change ringing is on the upswing in the US and Canada. Change ringing is a way of ringing both large bells hung in bell towers, and handbells. In 1964 when a ring of ten bells was installed at the National Cathedral, in Washington, DC, there were only about five actively ringing towers in North America. Today there are more than thirty.

North American Guild of Change Ringers (NAG) was formed in 1972 and has over 450 members resident on the North American continent, and a similar number of Non Resident Life Members who do not live in North America.

The Objectives of the Guild as outlined in the constitution are to improve communication among ringers in North America; to seek to improve their standard of ringing; to improve their contacts with ringers outside North America; to extend the appreciation of change ringing among the general public; and to abide by the rules of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers.



Newsletter: The Clapper (Subscription)

For more information please visit the website.