OVERVIEW This summer, Princeton Theological Seminary is pleased to offer introductory Greek and Hebrew intensive online language courses. These eight-week summer courses are open to both incoming degree students and non-degree students. They cover the equivalent of a full year of language study in the span of 8 weeks and count for six credits. Summer language …
View course details “Summer Language Program Application (Non-Degree)”
This course combines the riches of the biblical text with some of Yale’s greatest treasures. Each day will explore the concept of wonder through academic study and lively conversation about a biblical text. We will then enrich our learning about this theme each day with guided e-visits to one of Yale’s collections, led by world-class …
View course details “The Bible Through Art and Artifact III”
The course will involve close readings of a sample of the liturgical masterpiece from ancient Israel that we know as the Psalms. The Psalter itself is divided into five books, mirroring the structure of Torah itself, and our study will be sequenced into five parts, sampling selections from each successive book over five days. Our …
View course details “The Book of Psalms: The Hopes and Fears of All the Years”
This course will study the relation between faith in God and the capacities of human reason. The main topics will be the relation between faith in God and morality, religious experience, the problem of evil, the nature of faith, the traditional proofs for the existence of God, miracles and science, immortality, and religious pluralism. In all …
View course details “Faith and Reason”
What constitutes a life of minding the Spirit within us particularly during a time of stress? Why did the disciples of Jesus ask him to teach them to pray? What are the meaning and expectations of praying? What is the relationship between the practices of praying, meditating and mindfulness, self-care and their influence on our …
View course details “Minding the Spirit Within Us: The Meaning of Prayer, Meditation and Mindfulness”
All descriptions of the death of members of monastic communities in the Middle Ages have in common that music and song are part of the scenario. Nobody had to die in silence. The community accompanied their brothers and sisters on their last journey with singing. Death and dying are also important subjects in the history of music. Beginning in …
View course details “Sounds of Death and Mourning: Requiems and Funeral Songs through the Ages”
The American physician-poet Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. once observed that the famous eighteenth-century theologian and revivalist Jonathan Edwards believed not in a Trinity but in a Quaternity—and that for Edwards the fourth person was “Justice.” Holmes was active during the late nineteenth century, when Edwards’ trinitarian credentials were in doubt: supposedly there were manuscripts his …
View course details “Jonathan Edwards on the Trinity”
The Book of Revelation has long intrigued, inspired, and often baffled Christian readers. This course will explore key factors involved in interpreting the work, its roots in Jewish apocalyptic traditions, the situation of the early Church at the end of the first century, and the book’s complex literary structure and graphic imagery. We’ll be particularly …
View course details “The Book of Revelation and the ‘End of Time’”
Despite the public nature of proclamation, a disproportionate number of preachers identify as introverts. How might they manage the demands given their innate constitutions? This course explores preaching strategies for introverts. Finding ways to make the depth of one’s spiritual insights accessible to others will be the central task. Students will examine strategies for engaging scripture, composing …
View course details “Preaching for Introverts”
This course explores the history, development, and current and evolving understanding of the diaconate, especially in the Anglican tradition, without neglecting the contributions of other Christian traditions. Beginning with the Ordination of a Deacon, and then continuing through changes in understanding of Diakonia, and changes in ministry context, the course challenges the participant to examine …
View course details “The Diaconate”